I was traveling back home from office in government bus an elderly lady was sitting next to me. She was scolding someone and talking to herself. Though I didn’t understand whom she was referring to but a statement by her caught my mind and stood stand still. She said “POI SONA VAAI KU POJANAM KADAIKATHU” (MOUTH WHICH LIES WILL NOT GET FOOD). I started exploring myself whether I tell lies in my life. I looked back that day to verify whether I lied that day. The results are as follows.
What happened in the morning? Mr.A came from next cubicle (he is a blade fellow. If he starts talking then you will not be given any chance to saw your view) and asked to give me company for break fast. To escape from him I said “No da! just now I am coming from Food court.” Ohhhh.. That was the first lie for today! [Lie number one]. Then I was thinking about the next time I lied today. I was submitting my leave form to my PL saying I have to meet doctor but the fact is I am going to JODHA AKBAR with friends so that was the second lie today [Lie number two].
Then the 3rd one happened soon today. I was chatting with Ms.B (Damn beautiful girl from my training batch. Now in pune) at that time my friend pinged me for chat but I replied saying I got lot of work to do. Hehe that was the third lie today [Lie number three]. I felt sad as the number is increasing; I prayed I should have lied any more. But my prayers were not answered the fourth lie I said came to my remembrance it was to my mother. She asked whether I can come earlier today so that I have to go with her to my aunt’s house (my aunt is a boring creature who keeps on advising me). I said “No ma, I got more work today. I will come late today.” This is my fourth lie today [Lie number four].
I felt bad about myself. “chey how many times I have lied today I should decrease it from tomorrow” Today my friend Ms.C [she is quiet dark in complexion] was wearing a bright red color salwar and asked me how it looks. The 5th lie was born here. I said “gr8! You look so beautiful today!” This is my fifth lie today [Lie number five]
I stopped counting about it again. I am sure I would have crossed 7 today. I analyzed the situations I lied today, maximum they didn’t affect others, some to make others happy and some to make myself happy. By that time I reached home but those words of that elderly lady kept ringing in ears. I entered inside seeing me my mom called, “DAI SAPDA VA DA” [COME FOR FOOD].
I remembered those words “POI SONA VAAI KU POJANAM KADAIKATHU” and smiled myself.
it waz nice reading that!! ;)
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hmmm.... nice topic...
PS : this is my 8th lie today :p
hey jus kiddin da...
it was a nice lie :)
Hey good thing abt ur blog is ur a active acceptor, n thts the good thing abt u. siuation demands us to lie, nothing wrong :)
this is really the best one of ur posts so far...or atleast i feel so..
P.S: this is my 1st (hopefully not "the only") truth today :D
Who doesn't lie?
:) wondering how many times i've lied??? :D
u lied on the blogger community itself..u posted on the "leave a comment" forum saying that u commented on my blog, and u dint..tsk tsk
tellin lies r harmless...until ur lie harms others....
so keep goin... lyf forces u to flex ur principles at some point r the other... keep goin...:)
really nice one:) make sure ur PL doesnt see this..
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