It was
Several thoughts and questions peaked in my mind after this. Are there not any norms and protocols to be followed for singing our national anthem? But another question really haunted me is “Do I know the meaning of my national anthem?” I was left with no clue. I know it is written in Hindi by Geetanjali worker Tagore. I know it praises our mother land
Searched in net was stunned to know there is a great controversy behind the meaning of our national anthem. I didn’t expect that it will be so interesting. It made me to learn something from history of 60 years independence at least now. I thought of presenting the entire scene.
The following is the controversial meaning which I got in net it says
Actually all of us think that Tagore has written praising our
Amazed? Read on.
When our nation was under British rule, King George V and Queen of England visited
" Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya He
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maratha
Dravida Utkala Banga
Vindhya Himachal Yamuna Ganga
Ucchala Jaladhi Taranga
Tubh Shubha Name Jage
Tubh Shubha Ashisha Mange
Gahe Tubh Jaya Gata
Jan Gan Mangaldayak Jay He
Bharat Bhagya Vidhata
Jaye He ! Jaye He ! Jaye He !
Jaye,Jaye,Jaye,Jaye He "
>The 'Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jayei He':
Victory for King George who is the lord of the masses (Adhinayak) and
> 'Bharat Bhagya Vidhata':
is "the bestower of good fortune".
>Dravida Utkala Banga
>Vindhya Himachal yamuna Ganga
>Ucchala Jaladhi Taranga
It implies only those provinces that were under British rule i.e.
Further it mentions Vindhya, Himachal, Yamuna and
> Tav shubh naame jaage :
(Indian)People wake up remembering your good name Tav shubh ashish mange
and ask for your blessings
>Gahe tav jai gaatha :
and they sing your glories.
The following are the other 4 stanzas with their meanings.
> 2nd stanza:
Around your throne people of all religions come and give their love and
anxiously wait to hear your kind words.
> 3rd stanza :
Praise to the King for being the charioteer, for leading the ancient
travelers beyond misery.
> 4th stanza:
Drowned in the deep ignorance and suffering, poverty stricken,unconscious
country? waiting for the wink of your eye and your mother's (the
Queen's)true protection.
>5th stanza:
In your compassionate plans, the sleeping Bharat(
bow down to your feet O' Queen, and glory to Rajeshwara (the King).
Reason for Controversy:
Firstly, the poem was composed in December 1911 precisely during the coronation of King George V. It was first sung during a convention of the then loyalist INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS in
"The Bengali poet Babu Rabindranath Tagore sang a song composed by him specially to welcome the Emperor." (Statesman, Dec. 28, 1911)
"The proceedings began with the singing by Babu Rabindranath Tagore of a song specially composed by him in honour of the Emperor." (Englishman, Dec. 28, 1911)
"When the proceedings of the Indian National Congress began on
Thus here a belief gained that the poem had written in honor of the visiting monarch. Others aver that the newspaper reports cited above were misguided, the confusion arising since a different song written in Hindi by Rambhuj Chaudhry, was song on same occasion in praise of the king.
Tagore’s view about the issue:
Thus, Tagore is said to have written the poem in honour of God. In a letter to Pulin Behari Sen, Tagore himself wrote:

"A certain high official in His Majesty's service, who was also my friend, had requested that I write a song of felicitation towards the Emperor. The request simply amazed me. It caused a great stir in my heart. In response to that great mental turmoil, I pronounced the victory in Jana Gana Mana of that Bhagya Vidhata [ed. God of Destiny] of
After reading this I concluded one thing.